Texting Service

We have extended the use of text messaging to communicate with you about your healthcare. Over recent years we have routinely used SMS text messages to remind you about appointments and to communicate test results.

We now have technology that allows us to communicate more proactively with you about your health care. This means we can respond to queries you may make to reception, advise you of follow up or monitoring appointments that are needed and to share information from hospital letters needing to be shared. We can send more detailed information and URL links to you about information following appointments or results. We believe this is significant progress in terms of quality and speed of communication.

texting service

At present it is only possible to opt IN or OUT of all text messages (including appointment reminders). If you decline consent we will not send you texts and will continue to communicate with you by phone or letter. In future we may include email communication and so may well ask for consent for this too. You can decline consent at any time.

We aim to regularly check your preferences around texting when we arrange test results or in consultation. We will place reminders around the practice alerting you to the fact that you can decline consent at any time.

We would also emphasise the need to update us of any change to your mobile telephone number.

Update Contact Details

Text and Email Consent Form