Ruth Bowen
Gender: Female
Primary qualifications: BMedSci BMBS (2013) MRCGP (2022) DCH CertMedEd DTM&H DRCOG
I grew up in Bristol, graduated from the University of Southampton in 2013 and then worked in Reading and Milton Keynes before completing my GP training in Swindon.
In addition to standard training, I worked as a rural doctor in South Africa for a year, in a Paediatric hospital in Uganda, taught at the University of Buckingham Medical school and recently spent a few months working on a health inequalities project in the Public Health department at Swindon Borough Council before returning to Bristol in time for the birth of my second child.
My main clinical interests are in medical education, Paediatrics and Tropical Medicine and I am passionate about empowering patients to care for their own health.
Outside of work I enjoy family time with my two small children. When I have the time I still love to stay active rock climbing, playing squash and running and play the piano.